created with and by the awareness of other producers; produced and shared as an elaboration on a common theme, incorporating the agendas and interests of the participants.
creates a space for community/collective creation, including the development of behavioral norms and a specialist lexicon.
creation of a small community of producers and creators; may grow large enough to accomodate a subculture and lifestylers.
combines visual, affective, and aural/sonic cues to identify itself as part of the group/theme/meme; this helps it form a distinct design semiotic.
it reflects or expresses a sentiment that is not echoed in other media. it is largely not created for “profit” but as an expression or creative output
it often comes from a peripheral or fringe part of the internet, but it does not have to.
it is emotionally resonant with those who engage with it. the emotional resonance is similar across a variety of fields.
because of the combination of visual, affective, and aural/sonic cues, a memetic aesthetic inherently holds the affordances for transmedia; i’d argue taco bell quarterly is vaporwave gone literary.
finally, it bleeds beyond the point where it started; it diffuses, changes, and mutates into new polyps, new aesthetics, new feelings.